Download Command Panels

To install a Commander command panel, click the link in panel name to download the panel archive to your device. In Commander, tap the settings icon:

Then tap ‘IMPORT PANEL’. Navigate to where you downloaded the archive (usually the device’s Downloads folder) and tap the archive name (as displayed under the Panel Name link on this page). If an error occurs, select ‘VIEW LOG’ in the settings to see more information.

Panel NamePanel Image

(1080 x 2400)
Contains a sample of each control type. On the PC, open Notepad or other text editor, and have it as the active application to test controls.
Elite Dangerous Flight

(600 x 1024)
A command and icon set for common flight operations in Elite Dangerous. Be sure to update commands to match your keybinds!

Some icons used in this panel are from Keath Milligan's StreamDeck pack v2.0, Copyright 2002.

(600 x 1024)
This is for Advanced Users, as scripts need to be installed on the host PC and modified based on your Elite Dangerous installation location. Displays route information if one is active. This includes all systems along the route, the main star type, and your current system along the route (via a * indicator). Automatically updates if the Get button is toggled.

Assumes is downloaded and extracted to the c:\\Projects\\Commander\\ directory on the host PC.

Also requires the Elite-SystemInfo panel to be imported.


(600 x 1024)
This is for Advanced Users, as scripts need to be installed on the host PC and modified based on your Elite Dangerous installation location. Connects to INARA to show the current station and system information, based on the last station docked at. The Get button must be toggled to automatically get the system/station information.

Assumes is downloaded and extracted to the c:\\Projects\\Commander\\ directory on the host PC.

Also requires the Elite-Route panel to be imported.


(720 x 1280)
A mini command panel with common flight and UI commands, and some music/volume controls. Designed for smaller screens like phone screens.Be sure to update commands to match your keybinds!

Some icons used in this panel are from Keath Milligan's StreamDeck pack v2.0, Copyright 2002.









If you would like to add one of your command panels to this repository, please e-mail the archive file to We’ll check it out, generate screenshots, and add it to the list! Be sure to include any other panel archives that are linked to the panel, as well as any scripts that are installed on the host PC and instructions on how to install them.

You can export your command panel by going to settings and tapping ‘EXPORT PANEL’. This will create an archive file with the same name as your command panel in your device’s Downloads directory. Note that some devices have multiple Downloads directories, so be sure to check the right one.